Chat marketing, ChatBot

Best Chatbot Examples in 2021: Intelligent and Innovative

The world of chatbots has changed for businesses using it, but the goal still remains the same: quick, creative, and convenient customer service.

In a noisy and competitive space, the many kinds of the best chatbots are those that are new and help customers with their problems.

Today we’re going to share how chatbots work. And then we’re going to give you ideas for good bots. Then you will be successful too!

5 best chatbot examples:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO)
  2. Varicent
  3. National Geographic
  4. CloseedWon
  5. Whole Foods
  6. Dominos
  7. Emirates Vacations
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization is one of the leading sources of trusted information about the coronavirus. The WHO built the best chatbot called the WHO Health Alert to share information on how to avoid and deal with this virus.

This service helps people know how to stay safe and not get sick. People need to know what the Coronavirus is, and this service can tell them.


Varicent is a company that helps companies improve their sales effectiveness and profitability. It has a network of partners that provide solutions for businesses that want to be more efficient and effective in sales. They use incentive compensation, or money, to help people perform better.

varicent chatbot | PineChatBot

Varicent is using this chatbot to get people’s email addresses. They want to give you an eBook but the bot will help you first. Then a human will help if the bot can’t do it.

National Geographic

National Geographic made a chatbot who talks like Einstein. They want to promote their new show called Genius. This chatbot follows your conversation and replies with information about the show.

The result is that people have 6-8 minute conversations when they use this chatbot. People are able to talk about themselves for a while, or ask questions. Then they can go back and talk again. This keeps happening until the person stops talking to the chatbot.

  • Chatbots can help you create an intimate experience. People might feel like they are talking to a real person who is very friendly and knows a lot. Your chatbot will answer questions about both professional and personal things. This creates a connection that makes people feel like they are talking to someone in real life.
  • Make people laugh when you speak to them. When someone laughs, they will feel good and want to interact with you more. You can do this by telling jokes or giving them information about something they like.
  • Rethink older concepts in a new way. Instead of using the same old things, try something that people have never seen before.


CloseWod Chatbot | pinechatbot

ClosedWon started as a small marketing company but now they help their customers earn more money. They have changed from just getting new customers to getting their customers all the way through to the end of their sales cycle. In this chatbot example, ClosedWon congratulates two employees on a webinar and asks visitors if they are interested in joining the next one. This is a good way to make people who missed the last webinar feel bad. They will want to see what happened in it and sign up for the next one. When someone signs up, this chatbot changes into a registration chatbot that helps people register for the webinar that is coming soon.

Whole Foods

The Whole Foods Facebook Messenger Bot is a computer program that is good at cooking and recipes. It helps you find recipes for foods. and also helps you order food on the spot and finds more information about food. It drives people to their site by “talking” to them on Facebook Messenger and showing them messages.

The same principles that work with marketing channels also work with chatbot conversations. Messages are like marketing channels. Identify what resonates with your audiences, and build features for them:

  • It is easy to find what you are looking for on Whole Foods. They show you recipes, and then send you to their website.
  • One of the biggest challenges in building a chatbot is to talk like people talk. Whole Foods lets users search for recipes using emojis, just like they would post on social media or laugh at a meme.
  • It is important to be inclusive of everyone in your chatbot. You can do this by personalizing it. It helps if you know what the person wants so they will be happy with their experience.


Domino's Chatbot | pinechatbot

Domino’s chatbot can do a lot of things. You can order pizza by asking it, and it will remember your favorite things to eat. It will also track the delivery for you so you know when to expect your food to arrive. The chatbot is really helpful, and now I want some pizza!

  • You can order your pizza by using a chatbot that is on many different platforms. This makes it easy for people who want to order to do so without having to learn how to use all of the different apps and websites.
  • Don’t be afraid to use fun things. You don’t need to do complicated things or tell people all the time. People like it when you make a quick joke with an emoji or something.

Emirates Vacations

In 2018, Emirates Vacations created a bot to talk with people on their ads. The company targets different visuals based on the page a person is browsing. This has led to an 87% increase in engagement rates.

Learn things about Emirates Display Ad chatbot. Some of the lessons are:

  • Be relevant to what people are doing. When people are on your homepage, they want to see different things than they would when looking at your product pages or Facebook Business Page.
  • Keep your user’s goal in mind. Your bot needs to help them find what they’re looking for quickly.
  • Imagine being able to book travel right here, right now. You don’t need to go off of this page! This is a better way for you because it’s more convenient and practical than the other way.


As you can see, there are many different types of chatbots and each one has its own strengths. We hope that this blog helps you understand the differences between these bots so you can find a bot that will work for your company’s needs best. If we didn’t answer any questions or if something is unclear to you, please reach out! The experts here at PineChatBot would love to help guide your decision in creating an effective chatbot strategy for your business.


What is a chatbot and how its works?

Chatbots are computer programs that automatically add human-like chat features to your website. Chatbots work when you tell the program what commands to follow and when, and they’re especially great for answering customer service questions.

What is the advantage of chatbots?

Chatbots have a number of advantages, such as the ability to answer consumers’ questions quickly and efficiently through chatrooms, call centers, and voice menus. This saves companies time and money by cutting down on staffing expenditures which also increases efficiency. Chatbots also provide 24/7 customer service without requiring round-the-clock staffing levels or complicated scheduling schemes that often increase errors.

How to implement chatbot in business?

The first step is to identify the problems the chatbot could potentially solve. Secondary data can be collected through surveys of your existing customers or social media analysis of your existing company’s social channels. Once this data is available, you will need to determine which topics are most relevant to the business and its customers.

What are the best chatbot ideas for business?

Develop chatbots that will be personalized. This is a popular trend in recent years, and it’s a logical one because many people prefer to have a personal conversation with a company rather than dealing with automated responses. It makes sense from the business perspective because when you develop one chatbot for every customer, there are fewer possible errors in execution.